Do you know a family that has a financial need or that could use some assistance in one area or another? There are lots of ways to help out, and at Furnishing Dignity, we deal directly with families who have many different kinds of needs. We know the kinds of problems they face and what it takes to help them in a way that is meaningful.
While we focus on providing furnishings for their home as they transition into a new phase of their life, there are many other ways that you can be of assistance to a family in need.
Provide Groceries
We understand that many people are reluctant to simply give another family or person money in their hand. They may feel that this is an impersonal gift, and they want to be more involved in giving them something useful. Or, they may be concerned about how the money will be spent, and they want to provide something other than money to those in need.
So, one of the best gifts you can give is grocery items. You don’t want to be indiscriminate with your grocery buying, though. There are a few things to keep in mind to ensure that your gift is appreciated and useful.
First of all, don’t assume that the family has a refrigerator or freezer. Buy only goods that can be stored in a dry pantry area and will not perish if left out at room temperature. If you buy any kind of perishable goods like fruits or vegetables, don’t buy more than the family can eat in a short amount of time. Secondly, you should buy foods that most people tend to like. Avoid foods that are spicy or not very popular. Thirdly, try to buy foods that can be prepared without a stove, just in case the family does not have one.
Provide Services from Your Business
What kind of business do you do that could be a help to someone else? You may be able to provide services or goods from your business that will be a blessing to them. This may cost you very little and may just require some of your time.
If you are an expert in some area of business, you can provide that service to the family in need, helping them with taxes, woodcutting, gardening, transportation, or whatever it is you do for a living. Think about what you have to offer as a business person and determine if that can be helpful to the family you are concerned about.
Use Your Contacts and Prestige
Do you know people who could help the family in need get a job? Maybe you could help them get work if they are struggling to get hired. You can use your contacts to help them get through with some paperwork they need completed or to assist them in finding work.
Maybe they just need someone to recommend them for a job. You could write a letter of recommendation for them or offer to be one of their references on a resume. That could be a huge help, giving them a hand up where they would otherwise be searching for help. You can be the difference maker in someone’s life by offering just this little bit of assistance.
Hire Cleaning Services
What a gift it would be to have someone come to their house and clean for them! Imagine having your entire home cleaned professionally and quickly. That saves a lot of work and makes the home feel fresh and beautiful. You can be a blessing to someone by having their home professionally cleaned by Imagine Maids of Seattle, and they won’t have to lift a finger and do any of the work themselves. That is an ideal gift for a family that is working hard and has very little time to do any cleaning for themselves.
Make sure you choose a time that will work for the family and approve this gift through them. You don’t want them to feel uncomfortable, and you want to make sure the cleaners come when it is most convenient for the family.
Cut Their Grass
Trimming a lawn or doing landscaping for a family can be a big help as well. You can assist them when they don’t have grass cutting tools of their own. If they only have a weed whacker and they have a large lawn, you can help them out by cutting their grass on your own if you have a mower. Or you can hire someone to do the cutting for them.
This can save them a lot of time and effort and make their life easier for them. They might have wanted to cut their grass but been unable to, and that can be embarrassing to have the only lawn around that isn’t trimmed. This is the kind of gift that you could surprise them with, if you know they will be happy to have it. Just show up one day and cut the grass without saying a word and enjoy the looks of surprise on their faces.
Do Home Repairs
Do you know how to do some plumbing, electrical, construction or woodworking? You can put these skills to good use by doing some repair work in the family’s home. That could be a massive help if they need some assistance with their roof, their sink, their porch, or other items in the house. You can save them hundreds of dollars on repair costs and materials, even if all you do is offer some of the extra materials you have lying around.
There may be jobs that the family could do if they just had a willing hand, and you can pitch in and help in that area to make life easier on them.
There are so many different ways that you can help out families in need, and these are just a few ideas. If you want to help, there are endless ways that you can, and we hope this list inspires you.